This is a must-read story. While I was younger I supported the right of a woman to select abortion as an outlet. I think my opinion was such because I was young, ignorant and just a selfish person who ignored the rights of a second human being (the child). As I aged, I have dramatically shifted my position and I now believe that a life, regardless of age, deserves the right of protection. This case reinforces my position.
The physician will most likely face murder charges because the adult woman died from the heavy doses of painkillers and anesthesia. Kill a woman and face murder charges but kill hundreds of unborn children and that isn't a crime? There is a serious deficiency in morals/values with the supporters of abortion. It doesn't take much more than a few glances at the pictures in this story to recognize the grave wrongness of abortion.
Ron Paul writes in his book The Revolution: A Manifesto: "Whether it is war or abortion, we conceal the reality of violent acts through linguistic contrivances meant to devalue human lives we find inconvenient. Dead civilians become "collateral damage," are ignored altogether, or are rationalized away on the Leninist grounds that to make an omelet you have to break eggs. People ask an expectant mother how her baby is doing. They do not ask how her fetus is doing, or her blob of tissue, or her parasite. But that is what her baby becomes as soon as the child is declared to be unwanted. In both cases, we try to make human life into something less than human, simply according to our will."
Through the principles of individual dignity we need to guarantee that our laws do not fringe upon basic, civil human rights. Without this we'll not develop as a civilization. The fundamental challenge is to have people change their view of an unborn to an actual human being and not a potential human being. This is not a religious perspective but basic biology.
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